Little Rock Real Estate Disputes Lawyer

Little Rock Real Estate Disputes Lawyer
Little Rock Real Estate Disputes Lawyer

Little Rock Real Estate Disputes Attorney

Building and buying property is a fun part of life. Unfortunately, it’s also a huge cause of conflict. From disputes over blocked views and construction damages to zoning issues and rightful ownership, there’s no shortage of problems with which you might find yourself in need of a lawyer in Little Rock, Arkansas.

What’s a Real Estate Dispute?

Simply put, if you’re facing a real estate dispute, you’re facing a conflict related to property. Whether you’re a buyer, seller, landlord, tenant, or real estate investor, you might not be able to escape a real estate dispute. These can take many shapes and forms as well as include conflicts that a real estate lawyer can advise with, like: 

Breach of Contract

Anytime someone breaks a legally binding agreement, the other party can take legal action, and real estate is no exception. This is known as a breach of contract, and such situations can include:

  • A seller doesn’t complete the sale of their property after signing a contract.
  • A buyer doesn’t provide the payment.
  • Someone violates some or all the terms of the contract, like agreed-upon repairs.

Breach of Fiduciary Duty

If a real estate agent, broker, or anyone else with a fiduciary relationship acts against their client’s interest, they are breaching their duty. For example, if your real estate agent mishandles your funds, gives you misleading advice, or doesn’t disclose critical conflicts of interest, you might have the grounds to take legal action.

Property Line Disagreements

Also called boundary disputes, property line disagreements are one of the most common real estate disputes involving property. For instance, people might disagree about where the boundary lines of a property are, or someone might claim that they possess a part of a land. If you’re dealing with older properties, you might also find that the boundary lines are outdated, which can lead to conflicts.

Purchase Agreement DisputesSometimes, buyers and sellers go back and forth in determining the terms of a purchase contract. Whether it’s someone who wants repairs added, and the other party is pushing back, or someone wants a different price, a purchase agreement conflict can grow into a bitter legal dispute. Working with a real estate lawyer can help smooth over these disagreements.

Homeowners’ Association (HOA) Disputes

If you’re dealing with a homeowners’ association, it’s understandable to be confused or feel defenseless. These associations have a lot of rules and strict guidelines for new homeowners, so it’s no surprise that disputes arise. For example, disputes over assessment fees or maintenance of common areas can become intense. In these situations, it’s critical to consult a real estate lawyer who can give you useful advice early in the conflict or help mediate when the dispute gets intense.

Enforcing or Resolving Liens

A lien, which is a legal claim on a property, can be placed on real estate and might need enforcement or cause complex disputes. For instance, if you don’t pay a contractor in full for the work they do, they can place a mechanic’s lien on the property. Fortunately, a real estate lawyer could help resolve the issue.

Do You Need a Real Estate Dispute Lawyer in Little Rock, Arkansas?

If you’re facing a Little Rock, AR real estate dispute in which negotiation is not working and there seems to be no way to solve the conflict, you should contact a real estate attorney to assist you with litigation. Your lawyer can draw on their years of experience to advise you about the most effective way forward in your situation.

The right real estate lawyer can also help review any documents that you are hesitant to sign, negotiate for you in a tense conflict, and conduct research in confusing situations like a title search. Real estate is a complex field, and mistakes or unresolved conflicts can be costly.

FAQs About Little Rock, AR Real Estate Disputes Law

What’s Arbitration in Real Estate?

If the thought of real estate litigation makes you weary, have no fear. There are other options, like arbitration, which can save you money, time, and loads of stress. This process is run by a neutral third party, called an arbitrator, who presides over the process. The arbitrator hears both sides of the case, like a judge or a jury does in a trial. The arbitrator will then make a binding decision that leads to an arbitral award.

How Can I Resolve a Property Dispute?

Property disputes can feel endless and often escalate quickly, so if you are unable to work one out on your own, you should contact a real estate lawyer and pursue arbitration or litigation. Regardless of the path you choose, you can benefit from the knowledge of a real estate lawyer, who can:

  • Review your specific situation and the applicable laws.
  • Advise and support you as you fight for your rights.

What Are 5 Common Real Estate Disputes

As properties keep being built, repaired, bought, and rented, real estate disputes will always arise. Common real estate disputes that you might encounter include:

  • Disagreements over property lines
  • Zoning disputes
  • Breaches of contract
  • Breaches of fiduciary duties
  • Conflicts with homeowner’s associations
  • Resolving or enforcing liens
  • Disagreements over purchasing terms
  • Land use issues

What Can a Real Estate Lawyer Do for Me?

Your real estate lawyer can provide comprehensive support and informed guidance on all issues related to real estate law conflicts, from boundary disputes to containment claims. They can help you with:

  • Advice
  • Paperwork
  • Gathering evidence
  • Trial preparation
  • Presenting your case at a trial

The right real estate lawyer can tirelessly advocate for your needs.

Contact a Seasoned Little Rock Real Estate Lawyer

You might find yourself in the middle of a real estate dispute when you least expect it. Don’t add more problems by going into it alone. Instead, contact an experienced real estate lawyer. At Lemley Law Partners, we know how to smoothly navigate even the most complex real estate disputes. No matter what property conflict you’re dealing with, we can carefully listen to the details of your situation and evaluate it in the context of local regulations. We can create an informed strategy for your case and be by your side, no matter what route is required to address it. Contact us today to consult with a skilled professional and protect your property rights.

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