Searcy Drug Trafficking Lawyer

Searcy Drug Trafficking Lawyer
Best Searcy Drug Trafficking Lawyer

Searcy, AR, Drug Trafficking Attorney

Drug trafficking is a considerably larger and more dangerous crime than possession. It implies an intent to distribute and sell, which can be a federal offense. If you have been charged with drug trafficking in Searcy, Arkansas, and are in need of legal representation, contact a Searcy drug trafficking lawyer as soon as you can.

Trafficking vs. Possession

Drug-related crimes are typically sorted into one of three categories:

  1. Drug possession
  2. Drug trafficking
  3. Possession of drug paraphernalia

Every drug crime has its own distinct charges, penalties, and fines associated with it.

Drug crimes can be complicated. Sometimes, you may think you are committing one crime when, in reality, you may be committing two or more crimes all at once. Drug possession and drug trafficking are similar crimes that carry with them very different penalties and charges. If you are charged with drug possession, you are charged with simply possessing a controlled substance. Your charge depends largely on how much of said controlled substance you are in possession of.

Drug trafficking is different. If you are charged with drug trafficking, you are being charged with illegally trading and transporting controlled substances. Usually, drug trafficking involves two or more parties working together for the sole purpose of transporting and profiting from the drug trade. This can and often does result in hefty felony charges for all parties involved.

Federal Penalties

Drug trafficking and distribution is often a federal crime, especially if the drugs are transported across state lines. Drug trafficking ruins a lot of lives, from the families of the distributors to the customers who are destroying themselves with illegal substances. It is important to know the potential consequences of drug trafficking, whether you are committing the crime or not:

Sentencing for Trafficking Small Amounts of Drugs

For trafficking minimal amounts of drugs like cocaine, methamphetamine, fentanyl, heroin, LSD, or PCP, first-time offenders can receive no less than five years in prison and no more than 40 years in prison. If someone was injured or killed as a result of said drug trafficking, the sentencing jumps to no less than 20 years in prison, with a maximum of life in prison. You will also receive a fine of up to $5 million as an individual and $25 million if you are part of a group.

Second-time offenders can receive no less than 10 years in prison and no more than life in prison. If someone was injured or killed as a result of said drug trafficking, the sentencing is life in prison. You will also receive a fine of up to $8 million as an individual and $50 million if you are part of a group.

Sentencing for Trafficking Large Amounts of Drugs

For trafficking large amounts of drugs like cocaine, methamphetamine, fentanyl, heroin, LSD, or PCP, first-time offenders can receive no less than 10 years in prison, with a maximum of life in prison. If someone was injured or killed due to the offense, the sentencing increases to no less than 20 years in prison, with a maximum of life in prison. You will also receive a fine of up to $10 million as an individual and $50 million if you are part of a group.

Second offenders can receive no less than 20 years in prison and no more than life in prison. If someone was injured or killed as a result of the drug trafficking offense, the sentence is life in prison. You will also receive a fine of up to $20 million as an individual and $75 million if you are part of a group.

Sentencing for Two or More Prior Offenses

If you have two or more prior offenses for drug trafficking, you will automatically receive life in prison and a fine of up to $20 million as an individual and $75 million if you are part of a group.

FAQs About Searcy, AR Drug Trafficking Law

What Is the Sentence for a Drug Trafficking Conviction in Arkansas?

According to Arkansas state law, state courts can implement charges of drug trafficking based on the amount of the controlled substance involved in the case at hand. The state considers drug trafficking to be a Class Y felony, which can carry with it a sentence of at least ten years in prison, with a maximum of 40 years in prison. Arkansas has some of the country’s strictest drug laws.

What Is the Statute for Drug Trafficking in Arkansas?

According to the Arkansas Criminal Code, a 5-64-440 is the trafficking of a controlled substance. A person engages in the trafficking of a controlled substance if they possess drugs with the intent to distribute them or manufacture them into larger amounts. Trafficking a controlled substance is a Class Y felony that carries with it significant prison time and hefty fines.

Is Drug Trafficking a Serious Crime?

Yes, drug trafficking is a very serious crime that can ruin multiple lives, get people killed, and send you to prison for the rest of your life. Drug trafficking is punished far harsher than drug possession. Drug trafficking laws punish dealers and distributors with hefty prison sentences and significant fines that can keep them off the streets for a prolonged period of time. It is both a state and federal crime if you distribute drugs across state lines.

What Are the Consequences of Drug Trafficking?

Being charged and convicted of drug trafficking has life-altering consequences. You can spend a significant portion of your life in prison as well as pay fines in the millions. You also forfeit any of your assets that may have been bought with money from drug trafficking, including homes and vehicles. A drug trafficking charge on your record can hurt any job prospects you may have upon your release. In short, it will damage your life irreparably.

Consult With an Attorney to Know Your Options

Facing a drug trafficking charge is terrifying, and you need someone in your corner who knows how to represent your interests. Lemley Law Partners can fight for you and work hard to give you experienced legal representation in court. Contact us as soon as you can to schedule a consultation. We are ready to defend you.

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