Little Rock Felony Defense Lawyer

Little Rock Felony Defense Lawyer

Little Rock Felony Defense Lawyer

Little Rock Felony Defense Attorney

Those who are facing felony criminal charges may have acted out of necessity, acted unknowingly, or could be accused of a crime they did not commit. Individuals in the criminal court system deserve a qualified Little Rock felony defense lawyer to create a strong defense. A felony conviction can impact your rights and hurt future opportunities for the rest of your life. If you are facing felony charges, you deserve a second chance.

The attorneys at Lemley Law Partners understand how upsetting and stressful it is to face felony charges. The criminal justice system can feel isolating, but we want to fight for you and be on your side. Our team has 50 collective years of experience in criminal law, and we are diligent in our defense of the members of our community in Little Rock accused of crimes. We advocate fiercely to dismiss charges or minimize penalties for the charges you face.

Felony Penalties in Little Rock

A felony charge is a criminal charge with a sentence of 1 year or more in state prison, and each felony crime has different sentencing guidelines based on several factors. Felony crimes include drug trafficking, certain drug possession offenses, aggravated and violent crimes, and repeat DWIs (driving while intoxicated). Penalties for different types of felonies include:

  • Class D Felony: A conviction results in up to 6 years of imprisonment and fines of up to $10,000. These felonies include offenses like aggravated assault, possession of less than 2 grams of cocaine or methamphetamine, and breaking and entering.
  • Class C Felony: These charges carry between 3 and 10 years of imprisonment, as well as up to $10,000 in fines. Crimes include possession of between 2 and 10 grams of cocaine or methamphetamine, commercial burglary, receiving stolen property or theft of property valued between $5,000 and $25,000, and financial identity fraud.
  • Class B Felony: Being convicted of Class B felonies results in between 5 and 20 years of imprisonment and fines of up to $15,000. Offenses include residential burglary, possession of 10 to under 200 grams of cocaine or methamphetamine, first-degree battery, and first-degree forgery.
  • Class A Felony: These charges include a sentence of between 6 and 30 years of imprisonment and fines of up to $15,000. Class A felonies include second-degree murder, human trafficking, and certain types of domestic battery.
  • Class Y Felony: A Class Y felony conviction results in between 10 and 40 years of imprisonment. It may also result in life in prison. Crimes include trafficking controlled substances, aggravated residential burglary, first-degree murder, and arson resulting in $100,000 or more in property damage.
  • Unclassified Felonies: Some felonies have different sentences listed in their own statutes and don’t fit under these felony guidelines.

Additional Consequences of a Felony Conviction

Criminal penalties are not the only consequences of a felony charge, and some consequences can change your life. When you are convicted of a felony, it may impact your life in other ways, including:

  • Losing your right to vote
  • Losing your right to own or use firearms
  • Impacting a child custody case
  • Preventing you from having a professional license
  • Impacting your immigration status

A felony conviction also means that you will have a criminal record, which can affect your entire future long after you have served a sentence. A criminal record can affect you in the following ways:

  • Cause you to lose your job.
  • Make it hard to find employment.
  • Prevent you from obtaining housing.
  • Make it hard to obtain loans.
  • Cause you to miss educational opportunities.

The aid of an experienced attorney in Little Rock is your greatest chance of mitigating these consequences and potentially getting the charges dropped. Talk with an attorney to determine possible options for your defense.

FAQs About Little Rock, AR Felony Defense Laws

What Happens If You Get 3 Felonies in Arkansas?

When you have been convicted of more than 1 but less than 4 felonies in Arkansas, the prison length sentencing for felony convictions will become greater. Depending on the specific felonies, the extended penalties for these convictions are:

  • Class Y Felony: 10 to 60 years imprisonment
  • Class A Felony: 6 to 50 years
  • Class B Felony: 5 to 30 years
  • Class C Felony: 3 to 20 years
  • Class D Felony: Up to 12 years

Does the 3-Strikes Law Still Exist?

Yes, Arkansas still has a three-strikes law for certain violent felonies, such as conspiracy to commit murder, use of a prohibited weapon, first-degree battery, and first-degree sexual abuse. After three strikes, sentencing has different mandatory minimums without parole, depending on the charge. State law also imposes a two-strikes law for repeating violent crimes like murder, rape, and terrorist acts. After two strikes, crimes have a mandatory minimum sentence of 40 years in prison.

Do Felonies Go Away in Arkansas?

Felonies do not automatically go away from your criminal record in Arkansas, but certain felony charges could be sealed. Both the individual convicted of the crime and the victim of the crime have the ability to request a record sealing in the state. Sealing a record means that the offense will not show up in background checks, and the convicted person can legally claim that the criminal offense did not occur.

Misdemeanors, non-violent Class C and D felonies, unclassified felonies, and specific drug-related Class A or B felonies are eligible for sealing. Some other felonies may be sealed after a 5-year waiting period. Being eligible does not always mean that the record will be sealed, but many first offenders who were convicted of non-felonies can apply to have their records sealed with no waiting period.

How Serious Is a Class B Felony in Arkansas?

A Class B felony in Arkansas is neither the least serious nor the most serious felony offense. If an individual is convicted of a Class B felony, they may face a minimum of 5 years and up to 20 years in prison, depending on the type of crime and the factors of their offense. A conviction also may result in a fine of up to $15,000. Offenses listed as Class B felonies include:

  • First-degree forgery
  • First-degree battery
  • Residential burglary
  • Theft of property or services valued higher than $25,000
  • Possession of 10 grams to under 200 grams of cocaine or methamphetamine

Contact a Qualified Little Rock Criminal Attorney

Lemley Law Partners has the skills and resources you need to find an appropriate and effective defense. We can work to eliminate or limit the penalties you face. We believe that those who have been charged with crimes deserve respect and a strong legal defense. Contact us today to see how we can help.

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